August 9, 2010
Cept for I getted so EXCITED now b’cos I getted goin’ to a brand NEW school an there I can get lots of fun friends an get to do things b’cos I counent do them at my old school b’cos there already getted too many people that goed there a long time! An now my SISTER gets goin, cos that maked me really happy b’cos she wounent go to my old school! I get bein’ in Miss Kendra’s class cept for next year I can get to go to Miss Nevy’s class maybe b’cos then I can get learnin to read good. B’cos I counent WAIT for school!
Cos this year I’m gettin to get a tryout to be a CHEER person, b’cos I always wanted to be one cept for I counent before. B’cos I dident ever get to make a cheer before b’cos I dident know how to is only why. Cept for this time I will get tryin real hard b’cos I will do my BEST so I can be a cheer person.
Cos we goed to this meeting for cheer in the gym so Miss Britain can get tellin us all about it. There getted lots of kids there, cept for SEVENTY kids getted signin up but only a little kids showed up! So there only getted a few now to get tryouts so maybe I can really be one now. We getted a nice meeting an I seed my friends from Hardknock an I seed lots of NEW people I can get bein friends with maybe. Cept for there dident get very many redhair people there, just only yellow hair, cept for me an Abby cos she sitted with me. Then Candii sitted with me too b’cos we weared the same clothes! She maked that nice clothes an I like it lots.
Cept for Miss Britain getted real strict but that gets okay b’cos I can get workin real hard to be a cheer person an I wounent be bad so she wounent have to get yellin at me. Cept for I getted scared a little b’cos she telled us we get tryouts on Thursday an Friday. Cept for Friday I have to get MOVIN’ for real so I maybe counent be there. Cos I telled her that in SECRET cept for she only telled me she will get me a tryout only when she can schedule it, so I getted scared b’cos then maybe I counent get to go. Cos I telled m’kenna that outside an then we getted the list an I DID get Thursday! So I can do that fun thing!
Cos I will only have to get writin my cheer over now b’cos I writed it with one I learned before cept for I think Miss Britain will like one I writed all myself better.
P.S. M’kenna maked me do mine own scrap pages cept for I dident ever do them before! Cos here they are for that fun meeting!

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