So the new term started 'n Sana's finally in my class. She's sittin' right next to me too which is way cool. Mr. Jace's class is on break so I only got Miss Nevy's class 'n we're doin another project on the rainforest. Well...okay, the Amazon river leastways. So far I done the rainforest, the cerrado 'n now the river. I might as well just move to Brazil. It'ud prolly be easier. We're also makin our All About Me boards cause when Miss Jill subbed, she give us homework. Catch her! I ain't never heard'a no sub givin no projects but Miss Nevy made it stick. So now I got more stinkin' art I gotta make. I tole Bren I wnated a new tag for my desk cause all the ones she made me, I'm either a grownup, emo, or a brat, heh heh. So she made me another one -- it's kinda girly, but I like it pretty okay anyhow.
We had soccer practice on Wednesday. Man, I love soccer! We got the coolest coach on the planet. Wednesday we hadda run all over these balance beams 'n jump all down em without fallin off. I was pretty good at that, but I got knocked off a couple times 'n walked off the end. Then she put up all these giant skinny pillars 'n we hadda jump onto each one 'thout fallin off em. I made it through them on the second try. In fact, I got done so fast Coach ain't even notice 'n she asked me what was wrong when she saw me sittin on the ground waitin for folks. Man, I'd stay at school through most anything just to play soccer, I think.
Mom woke up a little while 'n paid the rent. Guess she's got some stuff goin on 'n she might ain't be here for a few months. She left us each a toybox 'n made me promise I ain't break nothin' or make her regret it. I was hopin she'd got me a slingshot 'n she sure enough did! And a diary cep I coun't get em out outta the box. So I just open it 'n look at my slingshot. Bren got a ladybug pet she named Spot. For a girl that's as creative as she is, you'd think she'd come up with better names for stuff, but she ain't -- she still calls her bunny "Bunny." She got some milk 'n cookies too. It's nice to get presents, but I miss our mom anyhow.
Friday was soccer again. Coach Jill made this big maze thing 'n put us each in a room. Well, it was kinda like one room in the middle for offense, then defense rooms comin off each side of it, then the goal rooms in the back of the defense rooms. We done all kindsa games in there. Me 'n Durga was orange. First we hadda race to see how many soccer balls each team could get. Another team won that cause they had three folks, 'n everyone else had only two. Then we hadda get our own two orange balls back in our goal -- Durga 'n me tied with the Pink team for that one. We done this other one where we had one soccer ball 'n we all hadda try to get it. I won that one *grin* I sure ain't think I would neither, but I grabbed it 'n run. Then we had like twenty soccer balls out 'n we was sposed to keep Romeo from scorin' but he totally stomped us flat. It was a pretty awesome practice 'n if you ain't there, you totally missed out.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Harvest Festival
The Harvest Festival in Little Wonders was on Saturday, September 25th. We drug Sana 'n Estella along, 'n we met a buncha kids from school. Bren hopped on the dance floor cause that's just Bren 'n me 'n Estella took on the corn maze. Ain't no one tell us it was gonna be full of spooks! We got through it okay though... Estella totally beat me through by miles. Me 'n Bren were gonna get our picture took in our cookies 'n milk clothes, but we hadda get into our costumes for the costume contest. Bren wore her ole marionette outfit cep she lagged so bad she hadda take off the strings 'n the crosspiece. So ain't no one actually could tell what she was. Least she could move though. I wore my cardboard box angel 'n I coun't do nothin but stand around 'n look innocent. Well... I spect that ain't hurt too much... Christmas ain't too far away after all. Anyhow, Bren 'n Sloane got into some ring around the rosey tree stump game. Bren was so bad lagged, she was walkin' into trees, but she finally won somethin. Miss Kendra picked me as one of the costume contest winners even after Bren pounced me 'n mostly flattened it. So I guess standin 'round lookin cute's got its rewards after all. Bren got in the pumpkin carving contest too so we done ourselves pretty proud for the day, I guess. We sat round the fire after Christov's concert 'n watched Miss Jill's family pick apples, 'n Bren stuffed herself with marshmallows. I got a little bit partied out I guess, cause I started feelin real lousy 'n ended up havin to go home from Mr. Jace's class early. Kenzie got in trouble for swearin again 'n Mr. Jace made her folks come 'n get her 'n take her home. Me 'n Py are workin on an animal field guide with animals we made up ourselves, like Dr. Seuss done. I ain't really like art that much but Bren promised to help me. We got a week off from Mr. Jace's class to work on it too. Anyway, we had a good time pretty much at the festival. Now I just gotta figure out what I'mma do for a Halloween costume this year. I wanna be a gypsy but I ain't been able to find that costume I was too dumb to buy last year when I saw it.
Got my report card from Miss Nevy! All A's!
Got my report card from Miss Nevy! All A's!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Soccer Balls 'n Stuff
We hadda register for next term. I can’t believe our first month of school went so fast. Sana come down while we waited but she can’t register yet – she’s gonna though ‘s soon as it opens up to everyone. I’m doin my same two classes again. It’s kinda a lot, but Mr. Jace’s class rocks and I got lotsa friends in Miss Nevy’s class, so I spect I ain’t goin nowhere yet. Brenna was harder though. We been havin so much trouble with the comps ‘n all that she was thinking of switchin anyhow. Then we get to registration ‘n Miss Kendra moved her class two hours later. So it ain’t end til like 12:30 at night. I guess that ain’t too late, but it’s way later’n Bren was ready for. So we hadda have a lil powwow cause ‘less she come into one of my classes, we ain’t really see how she could go to school. She ended up talkin to Miss Jill. Miss Jill tole her she could come to class late on Mondays – Bren has to be rl on Mondays ‘n ain’t can wake up til like…5:15 or 5:30 mostly. So she’s goin in Miss Jill’s class. She’s pretty excited but kinda sad cause she was makin friends in Miss Kendra’s class ‘n now she’s gotta start all over. Ms. V. moved into the house next to ours. It’s real funny to hear folks talkin through the walls ‘n know they can hear you too. But it’s cool. We ain’t know her too good yet.
Wednesday we had soccer. Soccer’s the best part of the week. Coach give us all a soccer ball ‘n we hadda each make our own colors. Someone else got orange, so mine’s red now. So anytime there’s a red soccer ball around somewhere, it’s mine. We hadda wear em around alla time ‘n Coach kept comin over ‘n stealin em. Like she stole mine ‘n kicked it across the gym like five times. I started bookin it whenever she come lookin my way, but it was way fun ‘n we all got to laughin ‘bout it. She tole us we hadda have our soccer balls with us all the time til next practice. Even in class! Miss Nevy ain’t gonna like that, but Coach’s the principal so I figure if they got to fussin’ bout it, Coach’d prolly win. So we wore em to class ‘n it’s kinda hard to sit at your desk when you’re hangin’ onto a soccer ball. But we done it. Leastways we done it til Miss Nevy come in ‘n tole us to put the toys away. Toys! I knew she ain’t go for it. So we tole her we hadda wear em, but some other kids ain’t on the team were fussin’ bout lag. See, now if they was on the team, Coach’ud just make em run laps til they either smart enough to not say nothin or just too darn tired to fuss no more. Miss Nevy was watchin practice so you’d think she’da knew why we had em on. But we lost that one ‘n we hadda take em off ‘n put em away.
Miss Jill hadda sub for us on Friday, I ain’t remember why. She ain’t like school too much I think, so it’s kinda weird that she’s a principal but I bet Bren ain’t gonna do no spellin in her class. We got to play lotsa games ‘n stuff. Plus she let us jump out the second-floor window, which pretty much proves she really IS the coolest teacher I ever seen. I ain’t never had no teacher let us do that. Well, once when I was a grownup, everyone jumped out the second floor window in college ‘n we had permission ‘n everything. Cep that ain’t work out too good cause my roommate busted her back ‘n hadda go to the hospital. Which shount be funny but it kinda was cause when the doctor come in, he asked her what she done ‘n she laid there ‘n bawled ‘n said, “I jumped out the window!” Well, doc thought she was some kinda crazy, but mostly everyone did. Jump out the window. Guess we all were crazy. I ain’t jump though ‘n my rl mom tole me she was glad I’d fin’lly growed up enough to get some sense. Course I was dumb enough to open my fat mouth ‘n tell her “Well, it just ain’t been my turn yet is all.” So I spect I ain’t got too much sense after all ‘n I’m glad I’m a kid again cause it’s way more fun. Plus we can jump out windows some more.
I had the crappy lappy for that class so I had lotsa trouble playin. I felt real bad cause I ain’t want Coach to think I’m a quitter, but there’s some things you do ‘n some things just ain’t worth the aggravation. Tryin to play soccer on that ole lappy’d be one of em. Well it ain’t really soccer, just a game kinda like soccer that our class played, but same idea. She turned the ball into a bacon wrap. I ain’t never seen no bacon soccer ball. Glad my dog ain’t there or we’d of had no soccer ball at all! But we still had fun, ‘n then we went to Bren’s open house at Miss Kendra’s class cause our mom coun’t come. Bren was pretty much the hit of that party cause I swear she tagged every single kid in her class ‘n she put em all up in a big display ‘n give em all away to the kids. It looked real great ‘n I was pretty proud of her.
Harvest Festival’s on the weekend.
(Yah, dude, I know it was really a month ago. I got behind ‘n hadda keep my logs offline a while til I can get em caught up all the way. I’m gettin there, geez.)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Young Citizens, part II-- Walk on the Wild Side
So Mr. Jace promised us a field trip but first he took us to our Base Camp. We got a whole camp all ours with tents 'n stuff 'n a fire ring 'n everything else you gotta have for campin'. It's pretty cool,'n he promised we'd get to camp out there after our hike next weekend. First I hadda get through all my homework for miss Nevy. I done so much stuff about South America I spect there's gonna be a monkey livin in my bedroom soon. I done my biome project on the cerrado. That's sorta this grassland near the rainforest 'n it's just as weird. But it went pretty good -- I ain't so great a builder, but ever'one liked my project anyhow. Keirsten hadda run soccer practice that Friday too cause Miss Jill ain't get to be there.
Anyhow, so on Saturday, Mr. Jace took us to these big caverns. They totally rocked. We got there 'n stood around gettin ready to go in. We's on this platform like a million feet high. Half of us went with some lady chaperone 'n the other half I was in went with Mr. Jace. Py was in my group, 'n Jayden 'n Daisy 'n some other folks. We hadda walk down all these bridges into this giant cave that looked like a big ole demon. We walked down the falls 'n we ain't see it til later but they was haunted by this lady ghost. Then we hadda walk on all these narrow paths 'n down by this big river that looked like blood. I ain't know if it really was, but Py said the plants growin there were meat eaters. Since they were all way bigger'n me, we stayed pretty much away from em. Just in case. Jayden was all goin nuts, leapin 'n flippin around like crazy. She climbed up all the way to the top of the cliffs 'n I figured that'ud be the end of her any second, but it ain't somehow. I gotta hand it to her -- she got nerve even if she is straight up crazy.
So we go down these weeny log bridges 'n then over these real skinny tightrope wires. Ain't I mention this school rocks? It's a good thing my mom ain't there cause she'd of had a stroke 'n fell clean off em. Thought I might myself, but I made it okay. We went down on the river 'n then through this real creepy cave. Cep when we come out the other side... well I figure we took a wrong turn somewhere cause it was like walkin out in Wonderland. It was rainin flowers, the waterfall was purple 'n the trees were pink tie dye. Turned out we'd stumbled into Woodstock, but Mr. Jace made us go back into the caves. We met up with the other group 'n they said they saw dinosaurs 'n giant spiders. So then Mr. Jace give us some time to go lookin round on our own. Py 'n me went back up the trail. I took my baseball bat just in case. We saw the ghost in the waterfall 'n hiked up to the top of some other falls too. We ain't see no giant spider but we went into this canyon 'n stumbled into a giant nest of cobras. We got outta that 'n fell into a huge pile of spiders. Maybe they ain't giant but they was plenty big enough for me. After that I fell in the river 'n near to drowned. We were gonna try to hike way up to this other tightrope bridge, but Mr. Jace called us back 'n said it was time to go back to base camp. So we done that 'n had sandwiches 'n sodas. Then we all sat around the bonfire while Mr. Jace tole us these real creepy stories. It was way fun. I hope he tells October in the Chair sometime -- that's one'a my favorites. We was sposed to stay all night 'n sleep with our rice rally teams but everyone ended up goin home finally. It was still the rockingest class I ever had though.
Oh, 'n red's winnin the rice rally right now. Yeah red team!
Anyhow, so on Saturday, Mr. Jace took us to these big caverns. They totally rocked. We got there 'n stood around gettin ready to go in. We's on this platform like a million feet high. Half of us went with some lady chaperone 'n the other half I was in went with Mr. Jace. Py was in my group, 'n Jayden 'n Daisy 'n some other folks. We hadda walk down all these bridges into this giant cave that looked like a big ole demon. We walked down the falls 'n we ain't see it til later but they was haunted by this lady ghost. Then we hadda walk on all these narrow paths 'n down by this big river that looked like blood. I ain't know if it really was, but Py said the plants growin there were meat eaters. Since they were all way bigger'n me, we stayed pretty much away from em. Just in case. Jayden was all goin nuts, leapin 'n flippin around like crazy. She climbed up all the way to the top of the cliffs 'n I figured that'ud be the end of her any second, but it ain't somehow. I gotta hand it to her -- she got nerve even if she is straight up crazy.
So we go down these weeny log bridges 'n then over these real skinny tightrope wires. Ain't I mention this school rocks? It's a good thing my mom ain't there cause she'd of had a stroke 'n fell clean off em. Thought I might myself, but I made it okay. We went down on the river 'n then through this real creepy cave. Cep when we come out the other side... well I figure we took a wrong turn somewhere cause it was like walkin out in Wonderland. It was rainin flowers, the waterfall was purple 'n the trees were pink tie dye. Turned out we'd stumbled into Woodstock, but Mr. Jace made us go back into the caves. We met up with the other group 'n they said they saw dinosaurs 'n giant spiders. So then Mr. Jace give us some time to go lookin round on our own. Py 'n me went back up the trail. I took my baseball bat just in case. We saw the ghost in the waterfall 'n hiked up to the top of some other falls too. We ain't see no giant spider but we went into this canyon 'n stumbled into a giant nest of cobras. We got outta that 'n fell into a huge pile of spiders. Maybe they ain't giant but they was plenty big enough for me. After that I fell in the river 'n near to drowned. We were gonna try to hike way up to this other tightrope bridge, but Mr. Jace called us back 'n said it was time to go back to base camp. So we done that 'n had sandwiches 'n sodas. Then we all sat around the bonfire while Mr. Jace tole us these real creepy stories. It was way fun. I hope he tells October in the Chair sometime -- that's one'a my favorites. We was sposed to stay all night 'n sleep with our rice rally teams but everyone ended up goin home finally. It was still the rockingest class I ever had though.
Oh, 'n red's winnin the rice rally right now. Yeah red team!
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Caverns collage |
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Young Citizens Society
I already talked 'bout Mr. Jace's class before, but it's really gotta be the coolest classI ever heard of before. It ain't hardly like school at all cep the whole learnin' part. We're still playin' rice 'n I think the Red Team's ahead. But we're doin' lotsa other cool stuff too.
We learned all about honeybees one week. We hadda read a book about em in class 'n we talked about it. Tristan found this thing bout these honeybees buildin' a hive all up in a church steeple. No foolin'! It was like 75 feet tall 'n the church only found it cause there was honey rollin' down the walls inside one day. Guess when the Bible talked 'bout the land of milk 'n honey, it ain't kiddin! They hadda kill all them bees though, which is real bad, cause I ain't never hear of no endangered insect before but if there is one, I guess it's the honeybee. They're in a whole lotta trouble cause of pesticides 'n other stuff 'n if we lose em, we're the ones that's in a whole lotta trouble. Honeybees help all the crops like oranges 'n peaches 'n strawberries 'n stuff so I reckon we better shape up 'n take care of em. Too bad the bees in that church ain't killer bees instead. Now there's one I spect we could do without.
We come in another day 'n played Bingo. No, wait. We played BEEngo, which was way cooler. All our cards had diff'rent honeybee pictures 'n Mr. Jace called out letters 'n pictures 'n we put honeycomb chips on em. So while we was playin', he tole us all kindsa stuff 'bout the diff'rent kinds of bees. There's even this Grim Reaper bee that gets ridda all the dead honeybees. I sure ain't like that job. Fact, I ain't never wanna be no honeybee cause the boys give the queen babies 'n then they die, 'n the queen sits around 'n lays babies all day, like thousands 'n thousands of em. And the workers gotta be on brat baby bee duty alla time, so I figure there ain't too many good jobs in a honeybee hive 'n I'm pretty glad I'm a girl. Man, them baby bees is UGLEE. They come poppin' outta their lil cells like one of them Whack-A-Mole things. Maybe I'd be a brat bee worker if they'd gimme a big mallet 'n I could whack em on the heads. Anyway, I ain't come close to winnin'. Spect my card was broke or somethin'.
On Friday we hadda bee day in class, 'n we all hadda come dressed up like honeybees. I felt pretty stupid cause when I got there ain't no one dressed up but me. So I was real glad when folks changed 'n then I ain't the only one in a honeybee costume. Lola had this real awesome hair with big holes in it 'n inside was all kindsa food 'n stuff...sorta like a honeybee storin' food in their hives. Cep hers was in her hair. It was cool. Ethan come dressed up as a rabbit, so I spect he got the wrong memo 'n thought it was Easter. We made honeycomb jars 'n honey pots for people that was special to us. I made mine for my mom, since she was awful steamed bout that slurpee 'n I felt bad for makin' her worried. Cause I love my mom lots so I gave her mine. Pygar made one for me, 'n that was awful nice cause ain't no kid never made me nothin' before or give me nothin'. I put it on my desk at home so's I can remember to do nice things for folks 'cause maybe ain't no one never give them nothin' either.
I got more to say but I guess I talk too much. So I'mma put it in a second post. And someday there'll be all my pictures soon's I hogtie Bren into scrappin em for... *cough* I mean... soon's I scrap em 'n put em on here.
We learned all about honeybees one week. We hadda read a book about em in class 'n we talked about it. Tristan found this thing bout these honeybees buildin' a hive all up in a church steeple. No foolin'! It was like 75 feet tall 'n the church only found it cause there was honey rollin' down the walls inside one day. Guess when the Bible talked 'bout the land of milk 'n honey, it ain't kiddin! They hadda kill all them bees though, which is real bad, cause I ain't never hear of no endangered insect before but if there is one, I guess it's the honeybee. They're in a whole lotta trouble cause of pesticides 'n other stuff 'n if we lose em, we're the ones that's in a whole lotta trouble. Honeybees help all the crops like oranges 'n peaches 'n strawberries 'n stuff so I reckon we better shape up 'n take care of em. Too bad the bees in that church ain't killer bees instead. Now there's one I spect we could do without.
We come in another day 'n played Bingo. No, wait. We played BEEngo, which was way cooler. All our cards had diff'rent honeybee pictures 'n Mr. Jace called out letters 'n pictures 'n we put honeycomb chips on em. So while we was playin', he tole us all kindsa stuff 'bout the diff'rent kinds of bees. There's even this Grim Reaper bee that gets ridda all the dead honeybees. I sure ain't like that job. Fact, I ain't never wanna be no honeybee cause the boys give the queen babies 'n then they die, 'n the queen sits around 'n lays babies all day, like thousands 'n thousands of em. And the workers gotta be on brat baby bee duty alla time, so I figure there ain't too many good jobs in a honeybee hive 'n I'm pretty glad I'm a girl. Man, them baby bees is UGLEE. They come poppin' outta their lil cells like one of them Whack-A-Mole things. Maybe I'd be a brat bee worker if they'd gimme a big mallet 'n I could whack em on the heads. Anyway, I ain't come close to winnin'. Spect my card was broke or somethin'.
On Friday we hadda bee day in class, 'n we all hadda come dressed up like honeybees. I felt pretty stupid cause when I got there ain't no one dressed up but me. So I was real glad when folks changed 'n then I ain't the only one in a honeybee costume. Lola had this real awesome hair with big holes in it 'n inside was all kindsa food 'n stuff...sorta like a honeybee storin' food in their hives. Cep hers was in her hair. It was cool. Ethan come dressed up as a rabbit, so I spect he got the wrong memo 'n thought it was Easter. We made honeycomb jars 'n honey pots for people that was special to us. I made mine for my mom, since she was awful steamed bout that slurpee 'n I felt bad for makin' her worried. Cause I love my mom lots so I gave her mine. Pygar made one for me, 'n that was awful nice cause ain't no kid never made me nothin' before or give me nothin'. I put it on my desk at home so's I can remember to do nice things for folks 'cause maybe ain't no one never give them nothin' either.
I got more to say but I guess I talk too much. So I'mma put it in a second post. And someday there'll be all my pictures soon's I hogtie Bren into scrappin em for... *cough* I mean... soon's I scrap em 'n put em on here.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I had Permission...Honest!
So we had our first soccer practice on the eleventh, 'n it ain't too much like I expected. I figured we'd play soccer but we ain't do that. We run laps til I thought maybe I'd die, 'n we jumped over lotsa stuff too. So everytime someone ain't jump somethin' or they start fussin' bout lag or stuff, Coach up'n gives us more laps. ALL of us too, I ain't never seen the like of them folks for givin' everyone trouble just cause one kid's tryin to make it with 'em. So finally I's so dang gargled at them silly kids I was all for yellin' at em to shut up 'n just run, but I ain't do it cause I figured we'd end up with even more. 'n maybe I do got a temper 'n my hair's red, but I ain't stupid. So I kept my mouth shut, 'n we finally got done with that. We did jumpin' jacks 'n squats 'n Coach Jill give us a big ole lecture on eatin' lotsa pasta 'n not eatin no junk food. I'mma hafta hide the Cherry Coke at my house I think, cause I figure I prolly ain't s'posed to be havin' that neither. But a girl's gotta have somethin' when she did somethin' good, right? And don't gimme no broccoli neither cause that sure ain't count.
Anyhow, Coach put us all on this big block 'n told us we're sinkin' and we gotta work together not to fall off it. So it starts movin' 'n shrinkin' 'n openin' up holes right under us 'n stuff. That was some pretty crazy stuff but ain't no one helpin' no one. I fell off finally 'n so I watched 'n mostly kids was just shovin' other kids off so they could stay on. Which's pretty much all you can do, I guess. If it were really sinkin' that's what I'd be doin', cep I'd let Bren ride piggyback prolly cause I ain't gonna shove her overboard. So Coach said we all flunked, but it ain't make no sense to me nohow. She tole us we hadda come up with somethin' else. So we come up with this idea where we all stand on each other's heads. Now there's 'bout fifteen or so of us, 'n we ain't all there that day but there was enough. It took us a real long time but we started pilin' one on top of the other til we looked like this:
Coach was buildin' stuff 'n helpin us cause you can't just jump on someone's head from the ground when they're five or six folks up. So someone sneezed or somethin' cause half of us fell down 'n we hadda do it again, but that was okay cause we sure 'nuff did! So I'm standin' there yellin to help folks as ain't up there yet, but really I'm thinkin' Coach is pretty much the coolest teacher I ever met cause she's the only grown up I know cep my Aunt Bel who lets kids do cool stuff like make a fifteen-kid stack. Aunt Bel let me get shot outta a cannon once and that was real fine cep my ears rang for a while. I'm also thinkin' I hope my mom ain't walk by cause she won't like it near so much as Coach, and she'll likely have a heart attack right there on the sidewalk 'n die, and there ain't be nothin' I can do about it cause I'm holdin' four people up 'n standin' on another eight. I figure Miss Nevy got more sense, cause she was over there watchin' but right about the time I think that, she starts cheerin' us on. So OSE's definitely the coolest school I ever seen cause all them teachers is straight-on-up crazy.
Anyhow, I got home from soccer 'n that's when Mom jawed my whole backside off for dumpin' slurpee on Sloane, but I already tole that story, so I'm goin' to bed. Someone tell Bren to turn out the lights...
Anyhow, Coach put us all on this big block 'n told us we're sinkin' and we gotta work together not to fall off it. So it starts movin' 'n shrinkin' 'n openin' up holes right under us 'n stuff. That was some pretty crazy stuff but ain't no one helpin' no one. I fell off finally 'n so I watched 'n mostly kids was just shovin' other kids off so they could stay on. Which's pretty much all you can do, I guess. If it were really sinkin' that's what I'd be doin', cep I'd let Bren ride piggyback prolly cause I ain't gonna shove her overboard. So Coach said we all flunked, but it ain't make no sense to me nohow. She tole us we hadda come up with somethin' else. So we come up with this idea where we all stand on each other's heads. Now there's 'bout fifteen or so of us, 'n we ain't all there that day but there was enough. It took us a real long time but we started pilin' one on top of the other til we looked like this:
Coach was buildin' stuff 'n helpin us cause you can't just jump on someone's head from the ground when they're five or six folks up. So someone sneezed or somethin' cause half of us fell down 'n we hadda do it again, but that was okay cause we sure 'nuff did! So I'm standin' there yellin to help folks as ain't up there yet, but really I'm thinkin' Coach is pretty much the coolest teacher I ever met cause she's the only grown up I know cep my Aunt Bel who lets kids do cool stuff like make a fifteen-kid stack. Aunt Bel let me get shot outta a cannon once and that was real fine cep my ears rang for a while. I'm also thinkin' I hope my mom ain't walk by cause she won't like it near so much as Coach, and she'll likely have a heart attack right there on the sidewalk 'n die, and there ain't be nothin' I can do about it cause I'm holdin' four people up 'n standin' on another eight. I figure Miss Nevy got more sense, cause she was over there watchin' but right about the time I think that, she starts cheerin' us on. So OSE's definitely the coolest school I ever seen cause all them teachers is straight-on-up crazy.
Anyhow, I got home from soccer 'n that's when Mom jawed my whole backside off for dumpin' slurpee on Sloane, but I already tole that story, so I'm goin' to bed. Someone tell Bren to turn out the lights...
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